Monday, January 18, 2016

Marco Rubio- take 1

How many Republicans/Conservatives reading this think that maybe Marco Rubio could be your candidate? I'll admit, I find him to have debated extremely well, he is very well spoken, and I would put him above Trump but below Cruz on my list right now.

That said, this "gang of eight" amnesty bill keeps coming up, as do comments about his inconsistent record, so I thought I'd do some checking since I don't know anything about it (the bill). If you are curious here is an article for you. The following is quoted from the article and really sums it up:

"Put another way, if Marco Rubio becomes the President of the United States, the future of our republic depends on Rubio telling the truth this time after he already lied about the same thing to people who walked over broken glass to get him elected.
So now, are you ready to walk over broken glass to get Marco Rubio elected? Choose wisely because if Rubio becomes President and he’s lying about immigration again, it will be the end of the road for conservatism in America."

Now, I don't know about you, but I am unwilling to trust anyone seeking the highest office in America who hasn't been honest in the past, or changes their entire stated belief system (like Trump) and doesn't come out and admit it and then fully explain why. Even then, I'm going to want to wait a period time (we are talking many years for someone seeking the Presidency) after the change of heart to see if not only their actions demonstrate a true change, but that the change stands the test of time. On this issue in particular Rubio hasn't met those standards for me.

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