I remain resolutely #NeverTrump and #NeverHillary. I flat out reject the statement that voting for someone other than Trump is a vote for Hillary (and interestingly, my Aunt said to me the other day "You know a vote for someone other than Hillary is a vote for Trump"- so both sides are using that particular argument it would seem). An A is not now and never will be a B. If I say I don't like apples and won't eat an apple, does that automatically mean I like and will eat an orange? What about a banana? One does not automatically lead to the other in any world but politics, apparently.
At the end of the day, the only SAVIOR any of us can rely on is Jesus Christ. Since the beginning of time Humanity's attempts to make anyone else the savior of anything have failed miserably 100% of the time. The direction that this country has taken away from God and toward human beings to save us from ourselves will be no different now. Quit looking to government to fix what it was never meant to fix. Quit giving it the power that our Lord meant to rest in each of us through living a moral life and following the Holy Spirit's leadings and this all goes away. Until then- pray, speak the truth in love, stand up for your principles without wavering, and vote in accordance with those principals and your moral conscience - not what those without one are bullying you into.
I am a Christian Patriot. I am just a girl who has been saved by Christ for His Glory. I believe in God, Family, and an America that is slowly slipping away. Proverbs 3:4-5 says "Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways submit to him, and he will make your paths straight." That is what I am trying to do for as long as He leaves me here.
Well, little lady and dear pal...I finally got to your blog here and "followed". I am smiling at your "Never Trump", Never Hillary" blog. As for me and my house, I too, follow and depend on and trust only my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. And those whom God has anointed. In 2007 prophet Kim Clement said Trump would be POTUS. 2007! I used to attend Clement's L.A. church services once in a while. At the time Clement also said Trump would be POTUS for 2 terms. I believe 2020 was a fraudulent election and it will be rectified. I also believe Trump is God's man for this time in history. The family heritage of Trump has prepared him for this task and indeed he did, with the blessing of God, make America great again. I believe he will be used again. Only God knows and I'm confident in and rest in that. Love to you and God continue to bless you and yours, sister in Christ.