If you didn't click on the link yet- here is a very quick summary: it is the story of a man addicted to sex. He seeks it wherever he can. Then, he finds God and is saved, but still struggles with it. After confessing about an episode with a prostitute during one of his "slips", his Pastor encourages him to apologize to the prostititute. What results is a perfect example of God using our sin-nature to bring Glory to His kingdom. It's not a long story, you really should read it.
What an amazing testimony of the power of our God to redeem and forgive. What an amazing example of our God using weakness and sinfulness to showcase His glory.
How many of us have felt we are beyond saving? How many of us have felt trapped in our weakness and sin and totally separate from God because of it? How many of us have underestimated or, worse, not even considered how God could work through that very sin and weakness to show His love to us and others?
God is longing to forgive, redeem, and use all of us. Don't let Satan mess with you by allowing that doubt to block your relationship with our Lord.
"Here is a trustworthy saying that deserves full acceptance: Christ Jesus came into the world to save sinners--of whom I am the worst."
1 Timothy 1:15
If you are already saved and have a relationship with God- take heart! We are always going to struggle with sin as long as we live on this earth. It is our reality being sons and daughters of Adam and Eve. The Bible makes that clear- very very clear, so don't fret and beat yourself up about it:
"For all of sinned and fall short of the glory of God" Romans 3:23
"Surely there is not a righteous man on earth who does good and never sins" Ecclesiastes 7:20
"For as by one man's disobedience the many were made sinners, so that by one man's obedience the many will be made righteous" Romans 5:19
God does not expect us to be perfect. How do we know that? Because He sent his son Jesus Christ to die on a cross for us in order that we may be saved and enter His kingdom DESPITE our sinful and wicked ways. It is a gift from a Lord who loves us deeply. Accept this give with open arms and open hearts and repent. THEN- use it to help others enter the kingdom with you.
If you are not already saved or are skeptical about God- take heart!! God loves you, too, and as long as there is breath in your lungs it is never ever too late! God forgives us all, no matter what our sin, and no matter what our age. I was 41 years old when I accepted Jesus into my heart, I mean REALLY accepted him (I'm the queen of surface level Christians). I consider myself one of the luckiest people alive that I didn't die before I had a chance at salvation because let me tell you, the things I have done in my life would most definitely land me deep in the pit of hell without it.
Don't just skate through your life letting "fate" or the power of your own will dictate eternity for you. Consider that God is a real, living God who loves you and pursues you. How do you know? You are reading this post, aren't you? GOD works through people like me, I could never do this on my own power!
Keep reading about God, keep thinking about God, keep asking the questions that are in your heart. God will answer, and eventually (hopefully not before it is too late) you will see the truth like I saw the truth, and your life will be CHANGED and will never be the same again. Thank GOD for that!