It is no secret that President Obama has nothing but contempt for the Second Amendment. He has already nominated two Supreme Court justices who oppose the right to own firearms and there is absolutely no reason to think he will do anything different this time. That is what is so concerning about what is happening in Washington right now with his nomination of Merrick Garland. This man's judicial record shows that he does not respect our fundamental, individual right to keep and bear arms for self-defense. Confirming him would be a disaster.
It is also no secret that the Republicans in congress have been a HUGE disappointment to voters since they took control of the House and Senate. I am very fearful that they will continue to be weak and wimpy now even though they are talking big about not allowing a Supreme Court confirmation to take place until the next president is in office. Yeah, sure.
I'm not sure what difference it will make to write letters and contact your Representatives, but we cannot just sit around waiting to see what will happen. We must act and do whatever we can do to make sure this critical right is not taken away from us. Not without a fight! If you believe in the Second Amendment, if you believe GOD provided you with the right to self defense, if you do not want to be faced with either having this right stripped of you OR going against the law to continue to protect yourself, please consider being vocal about this. There are too many gun owners in America for any acts against us to succeed, UNLESS too many of us sit on our hands and wish and hope instead of acting.
I wrote this letter to my representatives today, and encourage you to do the same. Feel free to use any part of the below letter in yours, I am putting it out there as an open invitation to help you if you aren't sure what to say.
Dear "insert name here",
I am writing you today to plead with you to support the Second Amendment and OPPOSE anything and anyone who threatens our Second Amendment rights
in any way.
For most of my life I didn't think very much about my own personal
protection aside from locking my doors and being aware of my surroundings. After I became a mom the idea that I was somehow invincible or impervious to
being the victim of violence has left me, only to be replaced by the knowledge
of not only my own mortality, but also how dangerous this world has become and
how necessary it is that we all have the means and ability to protect ourselves
and our family members. My four children depend on me for much, and protection from those who would harm them is one of the things they count on me to do.
Just like I try to eat well and exercise to protect myself
from diseases and ailments that affect all of us, so also do I
train and practice self-defense techniques that include both physical and
firearm training. I do not ever want to be in the position to either be
helpless against an attacker or to have to rely on someone else to protect me or my children should
the unthinkable happen.
As a woman I know I am at a disadvantage physically should I
ever be confronted by a male attacker, armed or not. Add to that being faced
with an attack while trying to protect my children, well, you can understand
how that multiplies my disadvantage.
"Insert name here", please listen to your fellow "Insert state name here" who truly want to be law abiding citizens but are fearful about a future where
we will no longer be able to protect ourselves from the criminals who don't
care at all what the gun laws are. Disarming us, or supporting someone who will,
is tantamount to telling me and my children that our lives don't really matter
to you. When the data doesn't support that stronger gun legislation decreases
crime or makes us safer but instead INCREASES crime and creates more victims,
what other conclusion could there be when lawmakers still insist on fighting
this amendment which is essential to our right of self-defense?
Thank you so much for reading, and I pray you will work to
support all "insert state name here" law-abiding gun owners on this issue.
All my best to you and your family.
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