As a Christian who spends a lot of time in prayer and loves God more than I ever thought possible, I think I'm beginning to understand why this time of year, especially, can be so dicey. You see, God, and by extension Christians, have one giant enemy. Satan has so much hate for anything of God. Satan's number one goal is to destroy everything God loves. To take away everything and everyone from God. It has become so apparent in everything that is happening in this world, and most notably in this country, how influential Satan is. This time of year must be especially hard on him, after all we are celebrating the birth of the Savior of the world!
The birth of Jesus Christ is the biggest thing that has ever happened because it brought us the Man who would sacrifice His life thereby assuring all those who believe a place in Heaven. The birth of Jesus effectively means, for Believers, that Satan cannot have us. Ever. No wonder he gets so mad this time of year and unleashes so much fear, anger, and sorrow on so many, trying to tear them away from God and make them forget the reason for Christmas.
Please don't forget the reason we celebrate Christmas. Please don't forget that you are a child of God. Please don’t forget or doubt that He loves you and through the birth and death of His Son Jesus has reserved a place in Heaven for you. Please remember that your suffering here on this earth is not endless; that even though life on this planet can be hard, so hard sometimes you aren't sure how you will make it, you do not have to suffer alone OR forever. Suffering is a by-product of sin; of a fallen world. It is not a product of God, and, if you will accept Him, God will walk with you through it all until such day that He calls you home. It is because of Jesus that no matter what you go through here on earth, if you have faith and commitment to the Lord, He WILL call you to a glorious home reserved just for you where there will be no more sorrow, no more pain, and no more Satan who is the real cause of all that pain and suffering. Stay faithful, pray, and lean on other Believers who love you and know God. Hebrews 3:14 “For if we are faithful to the end, trusting God just as firmly as when we first believed, we will share in all that belongs to Christ.”
I’ll leave you with what I consider to be one of the greatest readings of the greatest news in the Bible.
Luke 2:8-14 “….for unto you is born this day in the city of David a Savior, which is Christ the Lord….”
Merry Christmas, friends! May God's love FILL you with the Holy Spirit this Christmas and in 2016 and beyond!
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