Monday, January 4, 2016

Your will be done... except....

I just read something by Beth Moore in the Esther Bible study that I just had to share.  It really hit home for me because for almost my entire life until recently the only time I ever prayed was when I was praying either for something NOT to happen (please don't let my Mom die from the colon cancer) or for something to stop happening (a rough time in my life that felt like hell on earth).

She is talking about how often our weak faith in God gives the Devil all the information he needs to get to us. You see, once we are in Christ, Satan no longer has the power to to destroy us so he settles for the next best thing- THREATENING to destroy us and planting seeds of doubt against our Father's faithfulness toward us. The example she uses has to do with our fears... those fears we harbor, often against the loss of a loved one, that threaten to undo us should they ever happen.  Be honest, no matter how strong your faith, at one time or another you have found yourself with thoughts no matter how fleeting such as: "if something ever happens to this precious child of mine I would just DIE"....

She says, "Our natural human defense is to grovel before God and plead with Him not to let those things happen.  Our conditional trust not only makes us an open target for enemy torment; it also positions us as negotiators and beggars before God instead of secure children who trust their lives to their faithful Father."

In a later paragraph, "The most critical breakthrough of faith you and I could ever experience is to let God bring us to a place where we trust Him- PERIOD.  We don't just trust Him to let us avoid what we fear most.  We determine to trust Him no matter what, even if our worst nightmare befalls us.  We have no greater victory and can render Satan no harsher blow."

Now, she isn't saying that we shouldn't ever pray for what our heart wants. When we are in a relationship with God our Father we are free to go to him with prayers such as these.  What she is saying, though, is that it is our FAITH in God that will carry us through no matter what; NOT THE OUTCOME.  Satan has no hold on us when we trust God has our best interests at heart.  Remember, even Jesus went to Gesthemane to pray, asking His Father if He really had to go to the cross and suggesting that maybe it didn't have to be... but in the end, after His prayers He said "Your will be done".

I'm just as guilty, which is why I spend so much time reading my Bible and studying His Word.  I am enjoying a relatively calm season of life right now, but that has not always been the case, and I know it likely will not always be the case.  I want to be ready if one of the things I pray against and dread happens. I am girding my heart and soul against the enemy attack that will surely come if such a tragedy occurs. Remember, God is good.  Pain and suffering is here because of sin, not because of God.

Maybe you are suffering with a fear of losing someone close to you in your life right now, or maybe you have recently lost a loved one and are not sure how you will get through it. Maybe you have hit a rough patch in life in other ways and wonder where God is right now. Our Lord loves you and grieves with you, my friend.  He never leaves us. It may hurt now, but our destiny is not shaped by NOW. Our destiny is shaped by our faith and trust in the Lord. Eternity in Heaven without pain and suffering waits for us, we just have to stay the course and follow Jesus' lead.  Remember, Your will be done, Father.  I will pray that we all have the strength to utter those words and believe in our Lord when faced with the unthinkable.

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